Monday, June 23, 2014

Down the Disappointing Rabbit Hole

So my new diet is ok I bought some nectarines, mangos, and grapefruits at the store. I even picked up a bundle of carrots from the Saturday Market. I have been eating them instead of less healthy options, and its going ok. I did though fall off the wagon yesterday and had a burger on my way to my sister's house wnd one for dinner as I came home late and was very aggitated.
I am not going to start berating myself though and driving myself into the dirt, because that is not helpful to me or anyone else.  There is something to be said for forgiveness.  Sometimes I feel like we focus so much on all the bad that we don't acknowledge that we can move on and start again. We just feel like "oh well I tried that and it was too hard and I ended up cheating. " well sometimes we just need to forgive ourselves and jump right back on. Cause if you dont you will forever be stuck saying I can't instead of I can,  I will, and I am.

So my other motuvation was that I tried to put on a belt that I really love and it doesn't fit anymore... talk sbout disheartening. I was so upset. But its on my list of motivations.

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