Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Lots of house work and a nap

I have been busy at work and not able to go to the gym and even when it is my day off I haven't made the trip.  So today has been dedicated to cleaning my house doing laundry and getting everything ready for my up coming honeymoon. All things that are exhausting and deserve a nap. This leads me to a couple of topics today 1. Hydration and 2. What to do when you cant go to the gym.

I have several years of work experience as consruction flagger, and if there is anything I learned from that portion of my life it is that you should always take hydration seriously. I have spent many a day out in the heat working only to come home with heat sickness. If you think you are getting enough water you might be wrong.  Did you know that by the time you are thirsty you are already dehydrated. This is also something to consider when you are working out or just going to the pool.  Taking an extra bottle of water can never hurt.  I am not a doctor or an expert I am just speaking from experience. Also plenty of sunscreen.. I am super fair so just sayin. You might also consider moving working outs to early in the mornings  or late in the evenings. I think I might do this as well.

So what to do if you can't go to the gym. These are some things that I do. I try to do my planks both the regular and side planks as well. Then I j7st try to incorperate things were I can. I do laundry pick up squats, and use my detergent and softener as a kind of kettle bell. Each time I change the laundry or soften a load I do a set of arm exercises.  Before you know it you have a work out put in and no gym necessary. 

Have a great weekend and keep hydrated.

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