Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Lots of house work and a nap

I have been busy at work and not able to go to the gym and even when it is my day off I haven't made the trip.  So today has been dedicated to cleaning my house doing laundry and getting everything ready for my up coming honeymoon. All things that are exhausting and deserve a nap. This leads me to a couple of topics today 1. Hydration and 2. What to do when you cant go to the gym.

I have several years of work experience as consruction flagger, and if there is anything I learned from that portion of my life it is that you should always take hydration seriously. I have spent many a day out in the heat working only to come home with heat sickness. If you think you are getting enough water you might be wrong.  Did you know that by the time you are thirsty you are already dehydrated. This is also something to consider when you are working out or just going to the pool.  Taking an extra bottle of water can never hurt.  I am not a doctor or an expert I am just speaking from experience. Also plenty of sunscreen.. I am super fair so just sayin. You might also consider moving working outs to early in the mornings  or late in the evenings. I think I might do this as well.

So what to do if you can't go to the gym. These are some things that I do. I try to do my planks both the regular and side planks as well. Then I j7st try to incorperate things were I can. I do laundry pick up squats, and use my detergent and softener as a kind of kettle bell. Each time I change the laundry or soften a load I do a set of arm exercises.  Before you know it you have a work out put in and no gym necessary. 

Have a great weekend and keep hydrated.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Down the Disappointing Rabbit Hole

So my new diet is ok I bought some nectarines, mangos, and grapefruits at the store. I even picked up a bundle of carrots from the Saturday Market. I have been eating them instead of less healthy options, and its going ok. I did though fall off the wagon yesterday and had a burger on my way to my sister's house wnd one for dinner as I came home late and was very aggitated.
I am not going to start berating myself though and driving myself into the dirt, because that is not helpful to me or anyone else.  There is something to be said for forgiveness.  Sometimes I feel like we focus so much on all the bad that we don't acknowledge that we can move on and start again. We just feel like "oh well I tried that and it was too hard and I ended up cheating. " well sometimes we just need to forgive ourselves and jump right back on. Cause if you dont you will forever be stuck saying I can't instead of I can,  I will, and I am.

So my other motuvation was that I tried to put on a belt that I really love and it doesn't fit anymore... talk sbout disheartening. I was so upset. But its on my list of motivations.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The joys of planks

I have decided that I might try a 1/2 vegetarian diet. I am an omnivore I cannot go without eating meat. But I can cut down how much I eat and what I eat. So I am going to start eating fruit and vegetables for  breakfast and lunch and save my meat eating for dinner. We will see how this goes so far two days down.

In related news I was at the gym this morning and I tried some planks. I am a big girl and I carry a lot of my weight around the middle. When I was looking up things to add to my work out, a lot of sites were suggesting planks. A plank is where you hold a push up position for a few seconds or minutes.  Its hard. I don't know if I like them or not but I think I will keep them for now but I am proud that I tried it and held it for 10 seconds.  

So my workout today was:
20 minutes high paced walking on fat burn on tred mill
2 minute cool down
10 lbs bench press 10 times in a row, 3 reps
Ab cruncher with 20 lbs weight 2 minutes forward, and 2 minutes each side
Regular plank 10 seconds 
Regular plank with two shoulder touches on each side
1.5 mile bike ride on random

I am trying to incorporate a lot of the things we will be doing we we are on our honeymoon. We are  planning on walking,  bike riding, and hiking while we are gone. I want to be able to ride 3 miles in less than 10 minutes. And walk 5 miles no problem and get up off the floor without looking like an upturned turtle. I have major anxiety about having to buy extra seats for flying.. so my goal at this point is to just lose a few pounds.. but lets be specific about how much a few is.. 6 I would like to lose 6 lbs by July 4th. Today I weigh 281 and we will see how things go I will keep posting on my progress. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Starting Out.

When Jeff and I decided to get married we started out with the thought that going to the local gym would be easy. So we were going to the gym regularly but as things are getting closer everything started to catch up and suddenly we were working opposite shifts eating out regularly and this sent our spending out of control. Today we are starting a new day and making little changes in our lifestyle to accommodate regular workouts and healthy eating. We are NOT experts, we ARE just two people who want to share our journey. That is the aim of this is to share, help and create a community that is focused on making healthy life long changes. So feel free to join in, comment, and lets help one another.