Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Taking a Break

I know we have never really broached this subject but as I was working out today I really thought we should talk about it: Taking breaks and doing too much. I really want to preface this with this warning/ PA : I am not a doctor. I have no medical training. I have no training as a a personal trainer, or as a fitness type person at all. I am strictly speaking from my own experience.

As a Girl of Girth I am willing to say at some point I give up. I am a quiter. It the thing that I am very shameful of is that when the going gets tough I stop. I know that's not good but today I was working out and I did get to a point where I wanted to quit. I wanted to go home. I wanted to stop and catch my breath. I realized the latter was the real problem I was working hard and I just needed to stop and take a moment. Sometimes I forget that you can stop and have breath, or a drink of water and then go back to what you are doing. I just thought I would take the time today to say "It is okay. If you feel like you need to stop and take a breath or a drink do that and just join back in when you are ready." I feel like this is something I have heard fitness people say forever, but I just don't do it, and then I push myself to the breaking point. When I get there I just give up and don't return for days. I feel silly saying it but it is true. It is not the end of the world if you stop for a moment. 

In the same realm of thought I also want to talk about doing too much. When we started going back to the gym it was good we went a couple times and then Jay got this idea in his head that we were going to go 6 times a week. That is a lot. So without a real plan we went a couple of times and then stopped again. I think we were just taking on too much at one time. On top of that we just got a new puppy, and things are extremely hectic at our house. Today I decided enough was enough and I was going to go to the gym at least once a week if not more. But this is the same kind of thing if you feel like you need to cut back don't hesitate. If it's becoming overwhelming maybe cut back to a couple times a week or shorter workouts. You are the one living in this body do what feels right to you.

It is okay if you need to stop and take a moment. It is okay to stop and drink some water. It is okay to sit out a round, to do less reps. It is okay to cut back or do shorter workouts. In the end you are the only one that can decided what feels good, what feels like enough, and who knows maybe you will feel better and continue on till the end.  I did and I feel good. I got a great workout in and I worked hard but by stopping it was easy to gage a good finishing point for me.

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