Thursday, June 2, 2016

Choosing a Gym

Let me set the scene for you. It was late last year and we were going to Planet Fitness, but it was costing us quite a bit since we were both Black Card Members. So we decided that we weren't going to pay to go to a gym anymore! We went on vacation and moved and I had started a new job, but still we held out and just waited and maintained, and waited and talked and waited until we could hardly wait anymore. Then we decided we wanted to go back to a gym.

There were some stand out choices and there were definitely some we said No to. Here are some of the factors we looked at before choosing:

           + It is two blocks from our house
           + fairly cheap
           + lots of classes and variety of workout equipment.
           - hours did not work for us
 Planet Fitness:
           + 24 hour
           + Near where I work
           - No group classes
           - No pool
 24Hour Fitness:
           + 24 hour mostly
           - Not near home or work.
LA Fitness:
            - Expensive
            - Hours were ok
 Several Local Gyms:
            -Hours did not work for us

In the end we ended up going back to Planet Fitness. While they don't have the group classes I really wanted it did have the hours that worked best with our changing schedules. Jay was hoping for a pool or sauna room of some sort. What we settled for was a gym that has a variety of work out equipment, great hours for our changing work schedules, and hydro beds. We figured that if we really want to use a pool our apartment complex has one as well as the local community college that we can utilize.

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