Saturday, January 17, 2015

New year New me

Recently I had to have some biometrics done and the nurse also had to take my weight which is kind of a sore subject with me. I know I'm a big girl and that I am not at my ideal weight but I was not prepared to see that I am almost 295lbs. I never thought I would sneak up on 300 lbs.

I am not one to have a bad body image. I actually really love who I am. Am I a little heavy? Yes. Would I like to lose some weight?  Sure, who doesn't? But I am more concerned with my health rather than those things. The questions I ask myself are: Are you living a life that you are proud of? Are you eating the things you would like to? Are you as healthy as you want to be? To these questions I would answer No.

I would like to be healthier.  I would like to excerise on a regular basis and eat healthier, better and do all the things I should do as well as all the stuff I want to do. I think this is something we all relate to. 

These luckily are things I can change
I can choose to eat better, excerise more, and do those things I am supposed to do.

So every 2 weeks I'm going to give myself a challenge and I will try to keep to it.  I will let you know what  it is so if you want to join in you can. I will do regular updates on what happens and how things are progressing.

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