Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dead computers

Sorry  I  have  missed some posting  days recently  mine and my husband's computers both died. They are not taking on charge so its time to start looking at and starting saving for new ones. Unfortunately  that mean sfor now I am stuck posting from my phone and tablet.  So I  will post the 2 week challenges  that I have been working  on as well as next week's  challenge.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Challenge 5 and 6

Challenge  5 was bettering my relationships. I feel like this has been a good challenge I have talked to friends that I have not spoken to in a while. We recently reconnected with Jeff sister and have been having a good bit of conversation with her. I have also made time to call my parents and talk to  them.  As well  we have been trying to make real effort to go visit Jeff's mom since she had knee surgery.  All in all I feel closer to my family and friends all around.

CHALLENGE 6: Motivation & goals
This probably should have been first but no time like the present.  I am going to go back and look at my motivation and really focus on making some  goals.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

New year New me

Recently I had to have some biometrics done and the nurse also had to take my weight which is kind of a sore subject with me. I know I'm a big girl and that I am not at my ideal weight but I was not prepared to see that I am almost 295lbs. I never thought I would sneak up on 300 lbs.

I am not one to have a bad body image. I actually really love who I am. Am I a little heavy? Yes. Would I like to lose some weight?  Sure, who doesn't? But I am more concerned with my health rather than those things. The questions I ask myself are: Are you living a life that you are proud of? Are you eating the things you would like to? Are you as healthy as you want to be? To these questions I would answer No.

I would like to be healthier.  I would like to excerise on a regular basis and eat healthier, better and do all the things I should do as well as all the stuff I want to do. I think this is something we all relate to. 

These luckily are things I can change
I can choose to eat better, excerise more, and do those things I am supposed to do.

So every 2 weeks I'm going to give myself a challenge and I will try to keep to it.  I will let you know what  it is so if you want to join in you can. I will do regular updates on what happens and how things are progressing.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The wedding, the honeymoon, and the gain.

           So the wedding was amazing but stressful. I actually ended up losing 7 pounds right before the big day. So for our honeymoon we knew we would be doing a lot of walking and we definitely did. We flew from the Pacific Northwest to Ireland and toured around southern Ireland, kissed the Blarney stone, saw several  castles, and spent some time touring around Dublin.
         Then we flew to London UK where we spent the majority of our trip. We walked and took the tube a lot and even had to walk back to our hotel once from a neighboring station which was about1/2 a mile or so but after walking back and forth probably  turned into about a mile. But we also went on tours and visited galleries, and museums, and I had a fantastic time with my husband who is also my best friend. We were definitely reaching our walking goals while abroad, but we weren't as concerned with what we were eating  while we were there. We were going for more of a cultural experience  which included trying a lot of things we had never eaten  before. Also as a huge  Harry Potter fan we found platform 9 3/4 and bought several things and totally geeked out
         After London we flew to New York City where we explored and walked the city.We went to several of our bucket list places. And I got Jeff to go to a Broadway show. We saw Wicked. Which I had seen when it came to Portland a few years ago but I was so excited and we sat in the 8th row. Which is magical if you ever get the chance to be close to the stage it is absolutely worth it.
          More too it and closer to what this blog is about, when we got home we  completely went off our diet and exercise  program.  In fact we might as well have thrown it in the fire and said we were done with it. So I know for a fact that we gained back EVERYTHING  we lost and all the progress  we made.  We went directly  back to eating fast food 4 or 5 times a week not exercising any more than what we do at work. Luckily we both have active jobs that involve walking.
So in this time of Resolutions and new beginnings  we have deciding  that we are going  to  start over. Not only are we going to try and get our finances in better order, but we are going to start meal planning and exercising more. Be on the look out for new updates, news and words of fellowship as we like so many embark on this journey again.